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Mighty-O Donuts is back at it with their annual pedal tour around the city fueled by donuts and coffee. Looking for fun things to do Memorial Weekend? Bring your friends & family for this annual ride! ***If you have signed up past May 14th your T-Shirt will be ready after the event.
Date and time
Starts on Saturday, May 25 · 9:30am PDT
Location Start / Finish
Mighty-O Donuts 1555 Northwest Market Street Seattle, WA 98107 MAP LINK
About this event
Tour de Donut 2024: Saturday, May 25th
Please arrive before 9:30 to check-in and receive your t-shirt at the Ballard Mighty-O location (1555 NW Market St, Seattle, WA 98107). The ride will depart at 9:30 am.
Mighty-O Donuts is back again with our annual self-propelled pedal tour around the city fueled by delicious donuts. Round up your friends & family and dust off your bikes because it’s time to celebrate 2 of the finest inventions of our time…bikes & donuts.
With your ticket, you receive the following awesomeness as you tour our Mighty-O locations via bicycle:
Mighty-O Tour de Donut T-shirt (handed out at Ballard, first stop)
1 Free donut and drip coffee at your preferred location, mini donuts available at every location (kids drinks available; milk, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, lemonade)
STOP #1: Ballard Café (1555 NW Market St, Seattle, WA 98107) — Arrive prior to 9:30 am, check-in, get your t-shirt, donut, and drink.
STOP #2: Greenlake Cafe: (2110 N 55th St, Seattle, WA 98103)
STOP #3: Capitol Hill Café (1400 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122)
STOP #4: Denny Triangle Café (1812 Boren Ave, Seattle, WA 98101)
STOP #5: Ballard Café (1555 NW Market St, Seattle, WA 98107) — If you chose to, you can complete the loop and head back to the starting point!
The self-guided route details are as follows:
Participants can stop at one, or all locations and receive their goodies! Participants are also welcome to alter the route in other ways as needed. Kids are invited to do a mini Tour de Donut around Greenlake! Everyone is welcome to participate in their own way!
All profits from the Tour de Donut will go to Bike Works, an organization that promotes the bicycle as a vehicle for change, to empower youth and build resilient communities.
All of the location addresses can be found by clicking here: Link to mapped route
Tag us on Instagram #mightyotourdedonut
***Helmets required.
All maps, rides, and other documents listed on this website are for informational purposes only. The organizers bear no responsibility for the safety of riders who may use the suggested routes. Bicycle riding is an inherently dangerous sport. This ride is open for all registered participants, but the organizers do not assume any liability for your participation. In no event, shall the organizers accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by use of, or reliance, on information on this website.
***New this year we are partnering with Outriders.
They are a highly skilled and experienced volunteer group that provide ride support at Cascade Bicycle Club events. A selection of Outriders have volunteered at Tour De Donut this year, helping with mechanical, traffic, and minor medical incidents. A contact link with be provided HERE.