We do donuts differently at Mighty-O and we think they taste better, we welcome you to be the judge. We have been sourcing our own ingredients and making our mixes & glazes from scratch since 2000, before it was ‘cool’! In the early 2000’s many people did not understand what ‘Organic’, ‘Vegan’, ‘Plant-Based’, or ‘NON-GMO’ meant. At Mighty-O we were and still are committed to sourcing high quality ingredients that are better for people and better for the planet. We challenged ourselves to make something that we could not just buy.
Most commercial pre-made donut mix is made with animal products and it is not organic. Most donut makers and donut companies large and small will say that they ‘Make’ their donuts but they actually buy mix and glaze from commercial suppliers. The bakery supply chain sells commercially pre-made, pre-packaged donut mix and pre-made glaze. Commercial suppliers make products that are easy to use. All you add is your wet ingredients and then bake, it streamlines the process of baking.
At Mighty-O we make everything from scratch. We purchase from farmers and suppliers of 100% plant-based and organic raw ingredients. This allows us to make our mixes & glazes fresh and control what we put into our mix. We never use ‘Flavors’, no dyes, no food coloring, no preservatives, no animal products, and no GMO’s!
Different is good and it is a joy we take very seriously.